Studio Wet - Projects Studio Wet - Projects
Projects Office

Casa Milano
Casa Gálvez
Casa Recacha
Casa Borrero
Casa Riscos
Luces de Barrio'17
Casa Rosa
Fence in L77
Casa Lissen
Terraza Mairena
Tetzitz Park
Orden de Malta
Umbau in Dietlikon
LM Apartment
37 Viviendas en Guadix
House in Puebla de Guzmán
Casa Pérez Pichardo
SwissExpo Cádiz

Complete Works

Vejer de la Frontera
Jose Gómez Mora, Daniel Montes Estrada
Francisco León
Vejer de la Frontera, Cádiz
The proposal has a holistic approach, where the final result is greater than the sum of the layers of work through creative interaction. Accesibility, parking facilities, landscape improvement or the integration to the surrounding are not researched as individual layers of knowledge, but furthermore they are thinked globally and interconected in relation to the whole. The main approach understand the accesibility as a matter of infraestructure, and infraestructure as architecture, but not considering any of them as a functioning diagram but with the research effort aimed to built a qualified space and to introduce construction detailing. The proposal try to adress the scale of the sublime, the scale of the landscape and the panorama from Vejer, the scale of the infraestructure and the scale of the construction, and in the process it looks for the space for the new where all these approaches can collide. This space of coherence in between parts is the borderline of the city of Vejer de la Frontera.